
I think what I want to do is is build something I think what really interests me is just is just the idea of building [Music] something in the digital realm and I I don’t know what I really don’t have any idea what but you know I’m I’m kind of like I’m missing the sort of tactile component I really um like Hammer a hammer and and nails and wood really makes a lot of sense to me I connect with that on a different sort of level um but I’m intrigued I’m interested in the idea of building something digitally um I think if I can sort of get that same same if I can figure out how to get that same sort of reproduce that [Music] same that same experience that same sort of tactile experience it’s really the cerebral sort of the mental thing I think that that’s really interesting I guess um you know it’s like writing or well even just this speaking you think about what writing is and using words and and vocabulary and grammar you’ve got these uh words well you’ve got letters and symbols right you’ve got like uh a variety of of letters and symbols and and you’re putting those together those letters and symbols represent sounds individually those sounds don’t really achieve much but when you combine them into particular or specific structures then you get a more definable discernable unique thing ah ah ah ah Apple ah a a ah none of those things none of those sounds really mean anything uh on their own but when you put them together you get apple apple apple apple ah a apple and so when you produce that sound Apple you know listening to me right now if you’re listening to this then you immediately I’m I’m producing this sound by stringing together these smaller individual sounds I’m putting them together into this one one structure which which when I say it all at once is Apple when I say apple I’m I’m and and you’re hearing it or if you’re seeing it in the written word then then either written or said and heard you’re I’m transferring this an image into your mind using these these sounds apple and so then your mind I’m thinking about an apple in my mind and then I’m converting that that image into these sounds or into this one sound apple and then that’s being transferred into your mind when you hear it or read it and um and then your mind converts that sound into an image of an Apple so I’ve transferred an apple into your into your mind and um I guess that that concept is um something that I think about a lot and I think it’s it’s pretty like that’s pretty interesting and so when you when you when you build that word when you put together those sounds and those those letters into a word Apple you’re building something in that in that moment you’re building something that’s a form of creation that’s that’s a a very sort of abstract conceptual creation and so the I it’s that’s the same thing that that interests me in building something digitally in the digital realm something online you know the internet electricity it’s all just basically and again it’s like you you when it’s when you reduce it it’s all just ones and zeros ones and zeros ones and zeros just bits of information and um that’s what the the entire internet is that’s what this video is that’s what that’s what all of it is and so the idea of of like actually building something in that realm I don’t know that’s like pretty fascinating to me and so that’s really the motivation that is the is the motivation for me I guess for for building something that’s the interest it’s it’s not it’s not like Financial it’s just the concept of of actually doing that that um that I’m interested in that I’m that I’m wanting to to do so that’s kind of in a nutshell I guess the the reason why why I want to try and and build something digitally you know because there’s a lot of hype around there’s a lot of hype around that realm but I think a lot of that has has more to do with just sort of the there’s this there’s this sort of Association or connotation with anything digital that that people immediately think it just represents like this this bottomless like just source of money and it’s just like you have to build something Tech related in order to you know cuz we associate Tech at this point now it’s like Tech we associate it basically with with these big tech companies and and I mean the majority like all the billionaires that that we hear about are are have some sort of connection to to technology and so unfortunately that’s what we like kind of associate it with we’ve been conditioned into thinking and associating technology with just being a billionaire basically and it’s it’s like it draws people into it for the wrong reasons I think in my opinion I don’t know that seems to be kind of a little bit of the situation um but anyway see we’ll see what we uh can do if we can build build something I don’t I don’t know what I think um my initial sort of thinking is that like the best thing to do is [Music] to kind of move quickly to do to do things to build smaller things quick more quickly without a whole lot of thought to just really not so much focus on what it is that you’re building but more so on kind of the the process itself that you’re that you’re going through basically from from like conception of idea to like a a finished delivered thing I guess kind of like just go going through that process as as sort of like efficiently as as possible with like the fewest Hang-Ups in between spending you know the least amount of time on each whatever however many steps are are between those two points like kind of just basically like flowing through that process with the least amount of you know sort of cognitive bottleneck I guess would be my my thought and then and then so basically then just like who cares what you’re building basically like it doesn’t matter I think just like going through that process is really should be the focus and then like choosing what you do based on on that because I think that the the yeah I think that that’s probably I don’t know that seems like maybe a good a good thing to focus on is is just like how how effective you can be at just going through that that process of like taking something any any sort of little idea and then and then basically like delivering it in a finished form and then you can and then you can sort of gradually expand the scope of that to to sort of like so that you can you know you can you can add complexity you can introduce complexity to that process um once you know once you get good at a certain a certain scope confident within a certain scope you can kind of extend that scope and extend it until you’re sort of like able to build larger things more complex things but at this point like I don’t know just making this video I guess is maybe like a a creation of some sort and and like editing this video like basically this taking this video speaking whatever’s in my brain um uh using a a some sort of Video [Music] Editor to create the video upload the video create some sort of an account upload the video and then maybe like WR write something to to go along with it or or use like a a trans transcript of some sort and maybe I don’t know anyway I’m just that would be like a very basic thing I I think just like yeah cuz you really just want to start tapping into like ideas I think you want to spend the least amount of time thinking about how to execute an idea that you have CU ideas come quickly so you want to be able to just sort of knock them out you don’t want to spend like a ton of time because a lot of the ideas I know for me anyway like a lot of my ideas are just going to kind of suck so like so if if I have a 100 ideas then maybe one of them is is reasonably decent and but but if I but if my but I don’t I’m not really looking for that one idea what I’m looking for is to like I I want to I want to go through the process of like executing building those those 100 ideas from start to finish and having like a having a a process that I’m confident like reason reasonably confident in so that you know when that one idea that is decent sort of happens to come about and it might not be the 100th idea it might be the you know that that might not be the actual ratio of like good to bad ideas it might not be one to 100 it could be 1 to a thousand, I don’t know but if you’re if you’re focused on again this is just you know I don’t know I’m just thinking but um I think if you’re if you’re focused on trying to find that one idea then you’re that’s like kind of a bad approach I think you want to kind of like Focus on developing a process an effective creation and delivery process and then and then if while building that process you you know happen to stumble upon a decent idea then great but anyway oh

ChatGPT: The core concept that this person is interested in revolves around the idea of building and creating in the digital realm. They are particularly fascinated by the abstract process of creating something from nothing, much like how language builds meaning by combining letters and sounds into words that represent images in the mind. This parallels their interest in creating digital projects, where everything is reduced to binary code (ones and zeros), and yet complex and meaningful creations emerge.

They emphasize the process of creation over the final product, suggesting that the key is to continually build and iterate on ideas, regardless of their quality, as a way to develop skills and refine a process of efficient creation and delivery. The person also contrasts this creative drive with the common perception that technology is tied to financial success, making it clear that their motivation is intellectual and creative rather than financial.

In summary, their focus is on the experience of building digitally, exploring how it can offer a similar sense of satisfaction and engagement as building something physical, while also refining a process of quick and effective idea execution.